My Projects

Mediun Clone

This is blog website, created in MERN stack, with AWS for file handling, and EDITOR-JS for writing the blog, website also have a functionality of google login, developed with firebase..

learning Management System

The Learning Management System, which totally made in MERN stack, having Proper Sign-up and login functionality, in this website ADMIN can create, update, delete the courses and lectures. And user can watch the lectures after Doing ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION

NETFLIX Clone-React

This is the clone of the famous streaming service app called NETFLIX , with signup , signin and login functionality. This clone totally made in the React library and firebase is used as the backend to store the users data.

Personal Chatbot

This is my Personal Chat-bot, which is created with the help of BotPress AI, This bot will Answer your question which is related to me only

Flip-kart Clone React

The full stack clone of famous E-Commers website called Flip-kart , in this website user can create an account and expored many shopping items . This is the full stack project having proper sign-up, login , add-to-kart functionality

Notes Saver

This is the MERN stack website , having proper signup and signin functionality, user can signin and save there notes , website have JWt authentication so no other user can access others notes.also in this website user can store the notes for lifetime. and user can edit delete their notes anytime.

Blog website

This is the Blog website , in which user can create a account by doing the signup and after login the can publish the blog , The website have a category filter option , so user can read the blogs related to their taste of category , Also user can delete or edit blog which is written by them only

Google Docs Clone

On this website, users can create their documents.I used Quill.js for getting the edit options on my website.Also, I used, with the help of which multiple users can edit the same document at the same time.The document which is created by users automatically save in the MongoDB database. And after each change the document which is in the database also update.

Movie Recommender System

This is the Recommendation System made in the python , in which the different libraries of python are use to filter the database of the 5000 movies which get by , And Pycharm is the IDE by which we created the user interface of the project .

I-coders: BootStrap Practice

This is the website in which i have store the practice code related to BOOTSTRAP.

Movies UI

It the API based web project , which shows the newly released movies . also there is the specific search bar , by user can get specific movie just by entering the keywords.

PortFolio Website

This is my the first portFolio website

Weather Website

This is the website created in the html css js, By using the rapid API. it has a specific search bar in which users can enter the city to get the weather of that particular city

Paytm Layout

This is paytm layout using html, css, js and bootstrap

Google Store Layout

This is a layout created to practise the react, and tailwind css

Food Website Layout

the food website frontend created to practise the html, css, js, bootstrap

shorts business web layout

the food website frontend created to practise the html, css, js and React